Tour 5: From Cap of Nice to Villefranche sur Mer

Tour 5: From Cap of Nice to Villefranche sur Mer

Admire the beautiful colours of the crystal clear sea in Villefranche’s harbour and the Cap Ferrat just opposite with its luxury villas and abundant vegetation. We take the bus to begin our panoramic walk along the old customs path to the historically important...
Tour 6: From Mont Boron to Cap of Nice

Tour 6: From Mont Boron to Cap of Nice

A perfect combination of heights and sea with breathtaking panoramic views of the Baie des Anges, Nice, Villefranche and Cap Ferrat. We take the bus to the Mont Boron park at 220m altitude before starting our tour around the military fortress of Fort Alban and the...
Tour 2: Cimiez – haven of peace in Nice

Tour 2: Cimiez – haven of peace in Nice

Immerse yourself in the tranquility of Cimiez – a place of outstanding historical importance, inhabited through the centuries by Romans, Franciscan monks, European aristocrats and more recently, the renowned French painter Henri Matisse. We take the bus to...
Tour 3: Happy Hour in Nizza

Tour 3: Happy Hour in Nizza

Im Laufe seiner reichen Geschichte wurde Nizza von vielen verschiedenen Kulturen und Nationen beeinflusst. Auch heute noch ist die Stadt voller Beispiele für diese Einflüsse. Unser Spaziergang führt uns durch das Labyrinth der kleinen Straßen von Vieux Nice, mit...
Tour 3: Happy Hour in Nizza

Tour 3: Happy Hour in Nice

Throughout its rich history, Nice has been influenced by many different cultures and nations. Even today, the city is full of examples of these influences. Our walk takes us through the labyrinth of small streets in Vieux Nice, with surprises around every corner....